MedTrainer and McKesson Medical-Surgical

McKesson Medical-Surgical customers now have exclusive access to the MedTrainer Online Training System.

Simply and effectively train your staff on over 150 different compliance topics!

Topics include


  • OSHA

  • CMS


  • Human Resources

  • Skill Building


  • And many more


Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Airborne and Droplet Disease Transmission

Airborne and droplet pathogens in healthcare facilities can be elusive. This course will discuss the difference between airborne and droplet transmission of diseases as well as the necessary precautions that apply to each mode of transmission. Topics covered will include the various types of airborne and droplet diseases. This course will also provide healthcare professionals with information regarding the prevention of both airborne and droplet diseases.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the types of airborne and droplet transmission.
  • Understand the different types of diseases that can be spread by airborne or droplet transmission.
  • Explain the specific precautions that reduce the transmission of pathogens.

  Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Allergic Reaction to Gloves

During this course, we will review the various types of allergic reactions associated with latex gloves, as well as, potential alternatives to latex glove products. Topics covered will include: the three specific categories of latex allergies and the type of gloves that are recommended during specific procedures or potential exposures.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the types of gloves available to healthcare professionals.
  • Understand the different types of allergic reactions.
  • Identify potential alternatives to latex gloves.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) The Basics

This course will Provide an explanation of the sources of BBP, methods of compliance with the standard, work practice and engineering controls, BBP Injury and Illness Prevention, incident procedures and record keeping. An additional chapter is available for compliance and understanding the transmission and prevention of exposure to Hepatitis (A/B/C), and Tuberculosis.
Duration: 15 min. Chapters: 1

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) *

This provides an explanation of the sources of BBP, methods of compliance with the standard work practice and engineering controls, BBP injury and Illness Prevention, incident procedures, and record keeping. An additional chapter is available for compliance with the Cal-OSHA and understanding the transmission and prevention of exposure to Hepatitis (A/B/C), and Tuberculosis.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize what are Bloodborne Pathogens and how best to control exposure with methods of compliance.
  • Understand different Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that are used and other proper sanitation and container requirements.
  • Explain Employee and Employer responsibilities.
  • Identify specific additional state OSHA regulations (i.e. California).

Duration: 90 min. CE Credits: 1.5 Chapters: 6

Confined Spaces

Confined spaces have great potential for injuring employees and may be fatal. The proper training, safety equipment, and OSHA requirement guidelines are presented with real life scenarios.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand what constitutes confined spaces.
  • Explain how to protect employees and the public.
  • Identify preventative emergency and protective equipment.
  • Discuss written policies and procedures.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

D.O.T. Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations

Individuals who prepare, handle, or ship hazardous materials are mandated by Federal law to participate in a DOT training program. This DOT training course provides a comprehensive understanding of the guidelines set forth by the Department of Transportation regarding the handling of hazardous materials.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand the guidelines concerning DOT regulations for hazardous materials.
  • Know the hazardous materials regulations classification system for hazardous materials.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of what needs to be listed on shipping papers for hazardous materials.
  • Understand the guidelines for marking containers holding the hazardous material with symbols that assist in identifying the packaged substance.
  • Understand the guidelines regarding placarding of hazardous materials packages.
  • List specific performance tests that should be performed for packages that would potentially be used for transporting hazardous materials.
  • Learn the regulations for transporting hazardous materials by highway, air, rail, and sea.

  • Duration: 150 min. CE Units: 2.5 Chapters: 10

Ergonomics and Injury

Training employees is a fundamental part of the ergonomic process. This course explains basic concepts of the musculoskeletal system and associated disorders that can occur in the workplace. It also provides detailed information on preventative measures to help employees avoid musculoskeletal injuries.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the basic anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Understand the risk factors that may contribute toward musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Explain the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries.
  • List the most common occupations associated with musculoskeletal injuries.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .50 Chapters: 2

Ergonomics for Dental Offices

It is the intent of OSHA for employers to identify and implement appropriate equipment and procedures to reduce or eliminate ergonomic hazards. Training employees is a fundamental part of the ergonomic process. This course explains basic concepts for the musculoskeletal system and associated disorders that can occurred in the workplace. It also provides detailed information on preventative measures to help employees avoid musculoskeletal injuries.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the basic anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Understand the risk factors that may contribute toward musculoskeletal injuries. Explain the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Identify the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries within the dental industry.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Fire Prevention & Fire Extinguisher Types*

This informative module provides a comprehensive overview of fire prevention responsibilities, reporting of potential fire hazards, types of fire extinguishers, and what to do in the event of fire.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn how to identify and correct potential fire hazards.
  • Obtain information on creating a Fire Prevention Plan.
  • Learn what to do in the event of a fire.
  • Identify types and uses of fire extinguishers.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Hand Hygiene*

The importance of hand washing and sanitizing is the number one priority for preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Statistical facts regarding hand hygiene are reviewed along with tips on encouraging staff to increase compliance, because the health and lives of others are literally held within their hands.
Course Objectives:
  • Review current issues identified by CDC regarding claims made by producers of antimicrobial hand soaps.
  • Review types of bacteria and diseases spread by hands.
  • Discuss use and types of hand sanitizers and proper hand washing.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapter: 2

Hazardous Communication and Chemical Safety (HAZCOM) GHS Standard*

Employers and employees will gain a full understanding of the “Right-to-Know” laws. How to identify and create a hazardous communication plan, the use of Saftey Data Sheets (SDS), and the safe use, storage, and disposal of hazardous material and chemicals including the GHS standard.
Course Objectives:
  • Define hazardous materials, including a description of why certain materials are hazardous to healthcare workers.
  • Recognize the information that must be included on a safety data sheet for hazardous materials used in the work place.
  • Distinguish labeling responsibilities and label contents for hazardous materials used in the work place.
  • Cite the importance of using personal protective equipment that can assist in improving healthcare worker safety.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Hazardous Waste Handling and Cleanup for First Responders

This course covers the identifying of universal and hazardous waste and the amount of waste a first responder can safely handle for minor spills and general disposal. Highlights also include the proper documentation and packaging that is required.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn the regulations, regulatory authorities, and resources available to identify, segregate and dispose of hazardous waste.
  • Discusses the role of the FDA and NDC for all prescription, over-the-counter, and insulin products that are commercially distributed.
  • Learn the disposal of hazardous waste and universal waste at the work site location.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Handling and Cleanup for First Responders

Hazardous Waste Cleanup can be a dangerous job and it is important to train all employees who work around hazardous waste or hazardous materials what the proper steps are if they find themselves in a first responder sistuation. It does not take a professionaly trained first responder to take proper steps to ensure their safety and the safety of others before, during or after a hazardous materials exposure scenario.
Course Objectives:
  • Possess a basic understanding of the regulations, regulatory authorities, and resources available to identify, segregate, and dispose of hazardous waste that is present in the workplace.
  • Determine the types and amounts of accidental spills that can be safely handled and when to contact hazardous waste emergency responders Authority and role of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Access and review Safety Data Sheets to determine if waste or spill is hazardous or potentially hazardous.
  • Determine if a waste is characteristic of a hazardous waste which requires being managed as a hazardous waste.
  • Perform spill containment and clean-up of minor and major spills of hazardous waste.
  • Contact a licensed hazardous waste company for emergency spill containment and clean-up and inform local government agencies.
  • Identify universal waste descriptions and the requirement to check with state and local regulations as there are variations to the standards.

Duration: 40 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 3

Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste Handling

This course reviews guidelines categorizing pharmaceutical waste, maintaining and updating an inventory of pharmaceutical waste streams, managing waste storage sites and disposing of waste material. The guidelines provide suggestions on how to manage your program. Pharmaceutical waste that meet the requirements delineated in 40 CFR 261.33(e) (P list) or 40 CFR 261.33(f) (U list), or exhibits a characteristic of hazardous as defined in the 40 CFR 261 must be managed and disposed of in accordance to Federal, State, and local regulations.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn how to identify, segregate, and dispose of pharmaceutical waste.
  • Describe the classification of pharmaceutical waste.
  • Identify the use of Safety Data Sheets for determining the waste profile.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Infection Control

The issues of identifying and preventing infections in healthcare environment and community best practices presented with references from the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
Course Objectives:
  • Explain infection and infection control.
  • List the chain of infection.
  • Discuss hosts.
  • Know strategies that help eliminate the transmission of infections.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2


The proper safeguards for electrical safety while working on equipment is required to protect the safety of the employee and others. The process for Lock-Out/Tag-Out is reviewed along with examples of incidents that have seriously injured or caused the death of an employee from becoming complacent when working on powered equipment. This video will help employees remember the importance of consistently applying the OSHA standards.
Course Objectives:
  • Review OSHA.
  • List regulations for lock-out/tag out.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)*

In this video we cover the wide range of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is used to protect employees and is required to be readily available at no cost to the employee based on their job duties. There are many opportunities for employees to be exposed to hazardous materials and unsafe working conditions.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn proper donning of PPE.
  • Learn about various types of PPE and how they prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Preventing Slips, Trips, Falls, and Work Clutter

In this course, we help the employee understand how to keep their workspace clear of clutter and trip hazards, proper footwear and attire to prevent injuries, and how to work with management to keep all work spaces clean and free of clutter – which adds to the overall professionalism customers will feel when they enter your establishment.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn about workplace accidents that involve slips, trips, and falls (STF’s) and their prevention.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Radiation Orientation and Safety Work Practices

If your work environment utilizes radiation in any form, your staff will benefit from understanding and preventing the short and long-term exposure issues associated with radiation. Radiation safety is required by law, and both managers and employees must manage all radiation material, transmission equipment and waste according to federal and state regulations.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn the regulations and safety requirements for imaging standards for ionizing radiation, radioactive materials, and the use of x-rays equipment.
  • Review general orientation for the use of radioactive materials and radiation producing devices.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .50 Chapters: 2

Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, HIV (AIDS) Awareness and Prevention

Insight into the modes of transmission and types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for protecting yourself and others from HIV and other infections. Review the causes, symptoms, vaccinations, and treatment of Hepatitis, HIV (AIDS) and Tuberculosis, which are also known as Bloodborne Pathogens.
Course Objectives:
  • Review the causes, symptoms, vaccinations, and treatment of Hepatitis.
  • Review the causes, symptoms, vaccinations, and treatment of HIV (AIDS) and Tuberculosis.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .50 Chapters: 2

Waste Classification Regulations

We help you understand the classifications of waste streams, proper handling, segregation, and disposal. We also cover waste minimization and recycling techniques to measure and decrease the carbon footprint of your facility – no matter how large or small your organization is – we help you understand how to be 100% compliant and environmentally friendly.
Course Objectives:
  • Overview of the Regulated Medical Waste (RMW).
  • Overview of the Pharmaceutical waste classification and disposal requirements.
  • Overview of Universal Waste and its proper segregation and disposal.
  • Discuss recycling and conservation data and techniques to reduce waste sent to the landfill for disposal.

Duration: 60 min. CE Credits: 1.0 Chapters: 4

Health Insurance Portability and
Accountabilitty Act (HIPAA) Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for Supervisors

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA, was introduced to address the problems that can arise with health insurance when someone changes jobs or becomes uninsured for any period of time. The most profound impact to community pharmacies was a requirement that they take steps to ensure the privacy of all patient information, the security of any data stored or transmitted electronically and to notify a patient when there has been a breach so that they might take steps against identify theft. Explain what HIPAA is and the effect that HIPAA has on pharmacy operations, Define Protected Health Information, List the patient's rights under HIPAA, Explain the contents of a Notice of Privacy Practice and understand to whom the notice must be given, Understand how to maintain privacy when interacting with a patient’s family, friends and caregivers, and List safeguards to maintain patient privacy in day-to-day pharmacy operations.
Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)*

This course will provide learners with competency in designing, implementing and administering comprehensive privacy and security protection programs. The course also covers important changes to the HIPAA legislation, which were enacted as part of the passage of the 2009 HITECH Act and 2013 Omnibus final rule changes. This course meets all HIPAA/Omnibus final rule regulations.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand what HIPAA means, how it affects your organization, and changes in policies, and procedures in the handling of patient records.
  • Explain the differences in the HIPAA rules due to the 2009 HITECH Act and 2013 Omnibus final rule changes.
  • Examine how implementing HIPAA will affect the way health care entities organize and staff to achieve and monitor compliance with patient privacy/confidentiality needs.
  • Learn how to plan and prepare for HIPAA compliance.

Duration: 45 min. CE Credits: .75 Chapters: 3

HIPAA for Pharmacy Staff

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA, was introduced to address the problems that can arise with health insurance when someone changes jobs or becomes uninsured for any period of time. The most profound impact to community pharmacies was a requirement that they take steps to ensure the privacy of all patient information, the security of any data stored or transmitted electronically and to notify a patient when there has been a breach so that they might take steps against identify theft.   Explain what HIPAA is and the effect that HIPAA has on pharmacy operations, Define Protected Health Information, List the patient's rights under HIPAA, Explain the contents of a Notice of Privacy Practice and understand to whom the notice must be given, Understand how to maintain privacy when interacting with a patient’s family, friends and caregivers, and List safeguards to maintain patient privacy in day-to-day pharmacy operations.

HIPAA for Social Media and Compliance

This course also describes the security challenges related to texting in healthcare. Texting compliance is an emerging concept in the medical community. Topics covered will include secure texting, relevant regulations, and storage of data. This course will also provide healthcare professionals with information regarding the basics of messaging and privacy laws, which help ensure a safe and private environment when sending electronic information. During this course, we will discuss the use of social media in the healthcare environment. Topics covered will include social media’s benefits and potential risks related to HIPAA. This course will also provide insight regarding the necessary internal procedures related to HIPAA compliance, how to mitigate risk, as well as potential consequences of HIPAA violations related to the use of social media.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the benefits and complications of social media in healthcare.
  • Understand how HIPAA applies to the use of social media in healthcare.
  • Know how text messaging can affect the healthcare community.
  • Explain the Joint Commission’s stance on text messaging.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Texas House Bill 300

During this course, we will discuss the specific requirements that have been set forth through the enactment of the Texas House Bill 300 (HB 300). Topics covered include the legislations’ background, the description of covered entities as defined by HB 300, training requirements, and applicable penalties for violating the provisions of HB 300.
Course Objectives:
  • Know the background of HB 300.
  • Understand the compliance requirements of HB 300.
  • Define covered entities as they pertain to HB 300.
  • Identify potential enforcement actions for violation of HB 300.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Health & Human Services Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Advance Directives

The legal and ethical responsibilities of the healthcare staff regarding Advance Directives are described from the patient and caregivers perspectives. The types and formats of various Advance Directives are explained along with examples and the practical application of this fundamental patient right.
Course Objectives:
  • Identify the various types of advance directives.
  • Discuss the types of treatment available when executing advance directives.
  • Explain the responsibilities of healthcare workers concerning advance directives.
  • Recognize the importance of advance directives.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)

The Clinical Laboratory improvment Amendments (CLIA) regulation training is an introduction to CLIA and the regulations that it covers. CLIA impacts all types of healthcare facliities from "CLIA Waived" to "Moderatly Complex" all over the country. Understanding the regulation can help healthcare faciliteies perform accurate quality assesements, impliment quality systems, and teach employees how to understand CLIA regulations and the laws surrounding the regulation.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand who is affected by CLIA.
  • Understanding CLIA laws.
  • Basic understanding of Testing requirments.
  • Understanding quality assesements.
  • Overview of CLIA certificates and how to obtain them
  • Addressing concers about the labratory
  • Learn about the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
  • New CLIA Format and Terms
  • Understand updated testing requirements
  • Verification of Performance Specifications
  • Calibration and Calibration Verification

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: 5 Chapters: 2

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)*

This course will provide learners with competency in designing, implementing and administering comprehensive privacy and security protection programs. The course also covers important changes to the HIPAA legislation, which were enacted as part of the passage of the 2009 HITECH Act and 2013 Omnibus final rule changes. This course meets all HIPAA/Omnibus final rule regulations.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand what HIPAA means, how it affects your organization, and changes in policies, and procedures in the handling of patient records.
  • Explain the differences in the HIPAA rules due to the 2009 HITECH Act and 2013 Omnibus final rule changes.
  • Examine how implementing HIPAA will affect the way health care entities organize and staff to achieve and monitor compliance with patient privacy/confidentiality needs.
  • Learn how to plan and prepare for HIPAA compliance.

Duration: 45 min. CE Credits: .75 Chapters: 3

HIPAA for Social Media and Compliance

This course also describes the security challenges related to texting in healthcare. Texting compliance is an emerging concept in the medical community. Topics covered will include secure texting, relevant regulations, and storage of data. This course will also provide healthcare professionals with information regarding the basics of messaging and privacy laws, which help ensure a safe and private environment when sending electronic information. During this course, we will discuss the use of social media in the healthcare environment. Topics covered will include social media’s benefits and potential risks related to HIPAA. This course will also provide insight regarding the necessary internal procedures related to HIPAA compliance, how to mitigate risk, as well as potential consequences of HIPAA violations related to the use of social media.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the benefits and complications of social media in healthcare.
  • Understand how HIPAA applies to the use of social media in healthcare.
  • Know how text messaging can affect the healthcare community.
  • Explain the Joint Commission’s stance on text messaging.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Identifying and Reporting Neglect and Abuse

The signs of neglect and abuse can be obvious or subtle. Compliance with reporting suspected abuse and neglect to the proper authorities are reviewed.
Course Objectives:
  • Explain abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
  • Discuss intervention.
  • List reporting requirements.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credit: .25 Chapters: 1

Identifying Child Abuse and Neglect

Children are especially vulnerable to abuse and neglect. Compliance with reporting suspected abuse and neglect to the proper authorities are reviewed and how to manage the process with the adults or others that may be involved.
Course Objectives:
  • Discuss types of child abuse.
  • Identify the warning signs.
  • List available resources for help.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credit: .25 Chapters: 1

Identifying Elder Abuse and Neglect

Abuse can also be attributed to poor management skills in long term care facilities or other systemic problems such as insufficient resources or lack of proper training. Failure to report elder abuse in long-term healthcare facilities is considered a crime. Current legislation requires staff in long- term care facilities or any other institution which provides care to the elderly to receive education and training on how to identify and report elder abuse.
Course Objectives:
  • Will provide learners with information that will help them recognize, prevent, and report elder abuse in the healthcare setting.
  • Understand the different types of elder abuse.
  • Identify the warning signs associated with the different types of elder abuse.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the laws that have been enacted by Congress to combat elder abuse.
  • Examine the reasons why elder abuse is often unreported.
  • Learn how to encourage coworkers and patient's family members to report incidents of elder abuse.
  • Recognize resources that are available to victims of elder abuse.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Informed Consent

The process of communication between a patient and physician that results in the patient’s authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention (American Medical Association 1998 Failure to obtain informed consent renders any U.S. physician liable for negligence or battery and constitutes medical malpractice
Duration: 15 min. Chapters: 1

Patient Rights

An in-depth review of new patient rights created by the Affordable Care Act is provided to update staff on recent changes in the law.
Many organizations that provide patient care have published Patient Rights that cover a variety of issues such as access to information, consent prior to medical procedures, confidentiality, the cost of coverage, and potential conflicts of interest from the healthcare provider regarding their care.
Course Objectives:
  • Review new legal protections stemming from the Affordable Care Act.
  • Review basic patient rights guaranteed by Federal Law.
  • Discuss a patient's right to refuse to participate in research.

Duration: 45 min. CE Credits: .75 Chapters: 3

Protecting Human Subjects

This course is intended for use by individuals involved in the design and/or conducts human subject research and prepares investigators involved in the design and/or conduct of research involving human subjects to understand their obligations to protect the rights and welfare of subjects in research. The course material presents basic concepts, principles, and issues related to the protection of research participants.
Course Objectives: Describe the history and importance of human subjects protections Identify research activities that involve human subjects Discover the risks a research project might pose to participants Understand how to minimize the risks posed by a research project Describe appropriate procedures for recruiting research participants and obtaining informed consent.
Duration: 1 Hour. Chapters: 1

Understanding Ebola

During this course, we will discuss the background, pathophysiology, and transmission of the Ebola virus. This course will provide information concerning the diagnosis and treatment of the virus as well as other challenges related to teaching health professionals about the best practices to avoid contact and accidental transmission of this deadly disease.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand the background and history of the Ebola virus.
  • Know the pathophysiology and etiology of the disease.
  • Gain an understanding of the diagnostic techniques and treatment methods for Ebola.
  • List the currently accepted infection control methods and preventative measures.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Understanding and Working with Diversity

What is workplace diversity? We look at the negative impact of stereotypes and cultural norms that can cause conflicts in the workplace. Embracing the power of diversity can benefit individuals and organizations. This thought provoking training video will have you examine your feelings about diversity and how to work collaboratively with others.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn how embracing diversity will benefit individuals and organizations.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Understanding and Working with Diversity (for Managers)

This course provides an overview about best practices for developing cultural diversity as well as information concerning the changing demographics within the workplace and other challenges related to cultural competence in a multicultural environment.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand the changing demographics of the workplace.
  • Explain the best practices to enhance cultural diversity.
  • Know the basic concepts related to diversity awareness.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Victims of Domestic Violence

Victims of domestic violence often do not want to inform their caregivers of the facts. Learn the basics of asking probing questions to help victims report abuse and engaging law officers when appropriate to transitional protective shelters.
Course Objectives:
  • Discuss the relevant State and Federal laws concerning domestic violence.
  • Identify and prevent domestic violence and cover important issues such as victim’s rights.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Employment Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Affordable Care Act

The landmark legislation that is transforming healthcare delivery in the United States has many provisions that organizations and staff must implement to maintain compliance. As of September 23, 2012 or soon after, health insurance issuers and group health plans are required to provide you with an easy-to-understand summary about a health plan's benefits and coverage. The new regulation is designed to help you better understand and evaluate your health insurance choices.
Course Objectives:
  • Identify what is the Affordable Care Act.
  • Explain the effects of the Affordable Care Act.
  • Identify the costs of the Affordable Care Act.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Workplace

The presence of alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace is a significant problem for employers and employees alike. This course provides readers with information regarding the risk factors, prevention and intervention techniques as they relate to the abuse of alcohol and drugs in the workplace. Topics covered will also include the supervisor’s role in dealing with substance abuse in the workplace and the heavy toll that it has on employee productivity.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the signs of alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace.
  • Understand the risk factors that may contribute toward alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace.
  • Explain the recommended intervention techniques to help reduce alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Employee Health and Wellness

Promoting employee health and wellness has many benefits that can positively affect the organizations productivity and financial results. During this course, we will review employee health and wellness programs and discuss the benefits they provide for both employees and employers. We will also look at how to implement employee health and wellness programs to reduce injuries, increase employee satisfaction, and to create a culture of safety.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand the importance of health and wellness programs on overall employee health and productivity.
  • Identify key components of a health and wellness program.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the role each employee should take in a successful wellness program.
  • Review specific resources that employers can provide as part of a health and wellness program.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Financial Basics for all Employees

This course will assist staff in understanding legal requirements regarding personal and financial data and prevention of Medicare and Medicaid fraud. It provides information regarding current efforts by the Department of Health and Human Services to detect and prosecute those who participate in fraudulent activities and “whistleblower” protection for employees who expose these activities.
Course Objectives:
  • Overview of the financial basics of Medicare and Medicaid.
  • How to identify abuse and fraud of Medicare and Medicaid.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Grievance and Complaint Procedures & Internal Dispute Resolution

Handling customer complaints can be one of the most important aspects of providing excellent customer service. Customers, Vendors, Patients, Clients and Other 3rd Parties who complain are doing so to offer the organization the ability to bring resolutions to key issues and demonstrate good customer service to maintain customer loytalty and prevent attrition This course is meant to assist employees with customer service responsabilites in undestandaing how to resolve and deal with difficult customer situations.
Course Objectives:
  • Identifying and catagorizing customer complaiints in order to offer opprotunity for improvement.
  • How to follow up on critical issues to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • How basic complaints can be handled and resolved.
  • How to interpret customer complaints from a distance or in person.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Improve Customer Service One Transaction at a Time

It’s commonly known that it takes five new customers to replace one LOST customer and that people who have had bad experiences usually tell 10-12 people about it. We cover both the issues related to hostile and unsatisfied customers and the attitudes of employees that directly impact the customer experience.
Course Objectives:
  • Improve customer relations.
  • Maintain customer relationships.
  • Discuss ways to preserve customers.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Understanding and Working with Diversity

What is workplace diversity? We look at the negative impact of stereotypes and cultural norms that can cause conflicts in the workplace. Embracing the power of diversity can benefit individuals and organizations. This thought provoking training video will have you examine your feelings about diversity and how to work collaboratively with others.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn how embracing diversity will benefit individuals and organizations.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Understanding and Working with Diversity (for Managers)

This course provides an overview about best practices for developing cultural diversity as well as information concerning the changing demographics within the workplace and other challenges related to cultural competence in a multicultural environment.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand the changing demographics of the workplace.
  • Explain the best practices to enhance cultural diversity.
  • Know the basic concepts related to diversity awareness.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Unlawful Harassment 2016

This thought provoking course will help the managers and staff to actively participate in maintaining a professional workplace free of sexual harassment. The topic of sexual harassment has legal and professional consequences relating to participating in or creating unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is connected to a person’s employment regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Course Objectives:
  • Review the very serious issue and laws regarding Sexual Harassment as defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
  • Examples of situations which may be considered Sexual Harassment as defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .50 Chapters: 2

Unlawful Harassment 2016 (for Managers)

This 2 hour course will highlight the different types of unlawful harassment, federal and state laws as well as consequences for not abiding by the laws.
Course Objectives:
  • What you should do concerning Sexual Harassment.
  • Responding properly to sexual harassment complaints.
  • Unlawful Harassment and other conduct to be avoided Sexual Harassment and other protected characteristics.
  • Retaliation and Sexual Harassment.

Duration: 120 min. CE Credits: 2 Chapters: 8

Workplace Violence and Intervention

Identify the signs of workplace aggression to prevent workplace violence, how to report suspicious or threatening situations, and how to react to real-life incidents of workplace violence. In today’s society, workplace violence can happen at any time, any place, from co-workers or complete strangers. We demonstrate how managers and employees must work together to create a cohesive approach to keeping everyone in the workplace safe.
Course Objectives:
  • Define and review workplace violence, prevention, and interventions.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

General Safety Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Disaster Preparedness

This course provides a comprehensive review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency – Incident Command System. Disaster Preparedness takes planning, coordination, and practice. It is never too early to prepare for a disaster. When a disaster does strike, those armed with the knowledge gained from this course will know to stay calm and how to apply the techniques learned in this training to help mitigate damage.
Course Objectives:
  • Identify the five steps suggested to prepare for natural hazards.
  • Discuss the goals and objectives of a disaster preparedness program.
  • Recognize potential risks and hazards.
  • Know the relevant State and Federal legislation related to disaster preparedness.
  • Distinguish the potential training scenarios which will prepare employees for potential disasters.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .5 Chapters: 2

Emergency Medical and Treatment Act (EMTALA)

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) was passed in 1986 by the US Congress. The purpose of this legislation was to ensure patient access to emergency medical treatment and to prevent the practice of transferring uninsured patients solely for financial reasons. This course summarizes historical perspectives, discusses the requirements, and explains penalties and enforcement procedures set forth under EMTALA guidelines.
Course Objectives:
  • Overview of EMTALA.
  • Provide information concerning applicable medical tests, conditions, and specific instances.
  • Discuss hospital duties as they relate to EMTALA. These include transfer and stabilization requirements as well as medical staff on-call procedures.
  • Address enforcement actions related to violations of EMTALA.

Duration: 45 min. CE Credits: .75 Chapters: 3

Ergonomics and Injury

Training employees is a fundamental part of the ergonomic process. This course explains basic concepts of the musculoskeletal system and associated disorders that can occur in the workplace. It also provides detailed information on preventative measures to help employees avoid musculoskeletal injuries.
Course Objectives
  • Recognize the basic anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Understand the risk factors that may contribute toward musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Explain the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries.
  • List the most common occupations associated with musculoskeletal injuries.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .50 Chapters: 2

Ergonomics for Dental Offices

It is the intent of OSHA for employers to identify and implement appropriate equipment and procedures to reduce or eliminate ergonomic hazards. Training employees is a fundamental part of the ergonomic process. This course explains basic concepts for the musculoskeletal system and associated disorders that can occurred in the workplace. It also provides detailed information on preventative measures to help employees avoid musculoskeletal injuries.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the basic anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Understand the risk factors that may contribute toward musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Explain the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Identify the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries within the dental industry.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Flu Vaccination for Healthcare

Professional organizations such as the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American College of Physicians have recently recommended that influenza vaccinations for healthcare workers be made mandatory in the United States. During this course, we will discuss the effectiveness, impact, and outcomes of these vaccinations for healthcare employees. Topics covered will also include workplace implementation programs and suitable recommendations for influenza vaccine compliance in the healthcare setting.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the impact of influenza on the healthcare industry.
  • Understand the medical facts associated with influenza vaccinations.
  • Explain the recommended intervention techniques to help reduce misconceptions about the influenza vaccine.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Employees General Safety Orientation

This course provides an overview of all required training, injury and incident reporting, and sources of information that will be provided by your employer. Real life situations are portrayed to show the individual and team efforts needed to create a culture of safety in the workplace.
Course Objectives:
  • Overview of mandated safety standards by OSHA.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapter: 1

Preventing Slips, Trips, Falls, and Work Clutter

In this course, we help the employee understand how to keep their workspace clear of clutter and trip hazards, proper footwear and attire to prevent injuries, and how to work with management to keep all work spaces clean and free of clutter – which adds to the overall professionalism customers will feel when they enter your establishment.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn about workplace accidents that involve slips, trips, and falls (STF’s) and their prevention.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Skill Building Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Customer Service Training for Medical Collections

Negotiations with customers to collect past due accounts are very effective debt collection methods when handled properly. It will be helpful to know upfront what your goals are and practice a few core competencies to make the negotiations a positive and rewarding experience.
Duration: 15 min. Chapters: 1

Financial Basics for all Employees

This course will assist staff in understanding legal requirements regarding personal and financial data and prevention of Medicare and Medicaid fraud. It provides information regarding current efforts by the Department of Health and Human Services to detect and prosecute those who participate in fraudulent activities and “whistleblower” protection for employees who expose these activities.
Course Objectives:
  • Overview of the financial basics of Medicare and Medicaid.
  • How to identify abuse and fraud of Medicare and Medicaid.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

How to Quantify and Improve Employee Attitudes and Performance

In this course, we will show how management and employee attitudes can positively affect work performance and the professionalism of your enterprise. We introduce the concept of “stages of development”, which is a tool available to help identify employee strengths and areas for growth and development – but even more importantly, a road map of specifics to achieve excellence.
Course Objectives:
  • Explain the best way to motivate employees.
  • Understand different motivating factors.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Identity Theft Prevention

Common types of identity theft, phishing, and other scams devised to gather sensitive personal information. Identity theft is a serious problem that affects the victims and can potentially damage the reputation of businesses if it occurs due to a data breach. With the HIPAA 2013 Omnibus final rule, business associates must report certain data breaches to protect the consumer and are subject to fines.
Course Objectives:
  • Discuss identity theft.
  • Understand the impact on consumers and businesses.
  • Explain regulations.
  • Know how to prevent identity theft.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credit: .25 Chapters: 1

Management Basics

The purpose of this course is to identify and explore the four basic leadership skills, which include leadership basics, coaching skills, servant leadership, and emotional intelligence (EQ).
Course Objectives:
  • Understand the basic leadership skills necessary to be an effective leader.
  • Know how persuasive coaching skills can help the management team.
  • Identify ten principles of servant leadership.
  • Define the key elements of emotional intelligence.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Phone Etiquette

Phone ettiquite is a very important skill for anyone within a business who has direct communication with cutomers, vendors, or other 3rd parties who may be communicating over the telephone with the business. Telephone ettiquete is a skill that can be taught and monitored by managers in order to maintain positive customer service and high satisfaction scores within the business.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand Why Phone Ettiquite is Important.
  • Review Common Practices on the Telephone.
  • Learn how to Appropraitly Communicate Information over the Phone.
  • Understanding Etiquite Upon Initiating, During, and After (Durring Follow Up) Telephone Conversations.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

WIC Required Training

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

National Voter Registration Act (NVRA)

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) was enacted in 1993 and took effect in 1995. Also known as the "Motor Voter" law, the NVRA requires government agencies to provide people the opportunity to register to vote. Recent changes in California law requires annual training for any agency providing assistance to the public. This training will provide information on the NVRA and the Ofice of Secretary of State's efforts to assist state agencies and county electsions officials in complying with the law.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand Effective Public Notification System.
  • Understand Language Assistance Requirments.
  • Understand Collection and Use of Data.
  • Learn the History of Voting in America.
  • Overview of What is New in the Voting System and What is the Same.
  • Learn How to Put the Information About the NVRA into Practice.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Code of Conduct Training

The course provides the conceptual framework of important considerations for establishing and maintaining a Code of Conduct and how it compliments and reinforces an organizations Compliance Program. The essential elements of a Compliance Program are reviewed along with real-life scenarios
At the conclusion of the session, the participant should have a basic understanding of:
  • The importance of reinforcing an organizations Code of Conduct through leadership commitment, policies and procedures, and well-defined guidelines for non-compliance.
  • The types of policies and procedures that are essential for a Compliance Program.
  • The role and responsibilities of a Compliance Officer and Compliance Committee.
  • How monitoring and audit should be implemented and managed, including establishing processes to properly manage non-compliance.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Dental Specific Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation is a course that will provide a basic introduction to patient sedation including Continuum of sedation, pre procedure patient evaluations and peparation, rescue, respiratory compromise, and patient safety monitoring.
Course Objectives:
  • Identifying a high risk patient.
  • Differentiating deep sedation from moderate sedation.
  • Assessing the patient.
  • Monitoring Effectivly.
  • Emergency procedures.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Nitrous Oxide in the Dentistry

During this course, we will discuss the advantages of using nitrous oxide in dental practices and safety measures used to protect patients, dentists, and their staff. Topics covered will include the biological effects of nitrous oxide, informed consent prior to use, and contraindications for certain patient illnesses and conditions that apply to maintain patient safety standards. The course will provide an overview of the exposure limits set by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) as well as recommended workplace controls to insure safety.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the benefits and contradictions for the use of nitrous oxide sedation.
  • Understand the best clinical practices for the use of nitrous oxide sedation.
  • Explain the recommended thresholds mandated by NIOSH and ACGIH.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Ergonomics for Dental Offices

It is the intent of OSHA for employers to identify and implement appropriate equipment and procedures to reduce or eliminate ergonomic hazards. Training employees is a fundamental part of the ergonomic process. This course explains basic concepts for the musculoskeletal system and associated disorders that can occurred in the workplace. It also provides detailed information on preventative measures to help employees avoid musculoskeletal injuries.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the basic anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Understand the risk factors that may contribute toward musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Explain the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Identify the recommended prevention techniques to help reduce workplace musculoskeletal injuries within the dental industry.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Industry Specific Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Cold Sterilization

Cold sterilization is an important part of the healthcare process which is used for the sterilization of equiptment and tools used during patient care. Understanding the basics of cold sterilization and how to use chemicals for cold sterilization is crucial for any employee taking part in the sterilization process.
Course Objectives:
  • Understanding cold sterilization.
  • Knowing chemical types.
  • Identifying uses.
  • Proper setup and cleanup.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Guidelines in Good Clinical Laboratory Practice

This course will review Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) standards that embrace both the research and clinical aspects of GLP utilizing a variety of collected regulatory and guidance material.
Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Nursing Facility Compliance

This course provides a detailed overview of nursing home compliance obligations under Federal regulations. Staff will gain important insight as to their role in maintaining compliance and how to seek help and guidance when abuse or fraud is suspected.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn how nursing home facilities must prepare for compliance program requirements.
  • Discuss benefits of introducing a compliance program, nursing home resident safety, billing integrity, and enforcement of disciplinary actions.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Mental Health Medications

Medications are used to treat the symptoms of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder (sometimes called manic-depressive illness), anxiety disorders, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sometimes medications are used with other treatments such as psychotherapy. Psychotherapy alone may be the best treatment for a person, depending on the illness and its severity. Other times, psychotherapy is combined with medications.
Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Healthcare Emergency Codes

This course defines what constitutes an emergency in a healthcare setting. It also provides a detailed overview regarding the applicable color codes that are assigned to the different types of emergencies encountered in the healthcare setting. In addition to the description of each code, this course will also discuss the procedures associated with each emergency code.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the benefits of healthcare emergency codes.
  • Understand the different types of emergency codes.
  • Explain the procedures associated with the different emergency codes within the healthcare setting.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Hospice and End of Life Care

This course covers the general guidelines for compliance and administering Hospice and End-of-Life Care to insure that patients understand their rights and options. Medicare and most state Medicaid programs cover hospice services for terminally ill beneficiaries. Hospices provide comfort, counseling, and relief from pain, rather than curative care.
Course Objectives:
  • Understand hospice benefits.
  • Identify patient choices.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1


Phlebotomy is a skill that requires a technician to understand the legal requirements of obtaining test samples and how to obtain a sample from patients that are not always willing participants. The requirements for a Phlebotomist include: a clear understanding of techniques, preparation, infection prevention, and potential complications. Phlebotomists must understand their patient’s concerns and provide a safe environment to achieve results, and patient satisfaction and safety.
Course Objectives:
  • Learn necessary quality assurance measures, such as patient identification and the importance of proper sterilization techniques.
  • Discuss specific challenges of phlebotomy as it pertains to various patient populations.
  • Explain the preparation steps that must be taken prior to performing the phlebotomy.
  • Understand important specimen labeling and storage procedures.
  • Know potential complications that may be associated with phlebotomy.

Duration: 75 min. CE Credits: 1.25 Chapters: 5

Malignant Hyperthermia

The Malignant Hypothermia course will provide readers with the background, pathophysiology, and etiology of malignant hypothermia. This course will provide a comprehensive overview regarding diagnosing and treating patients with malignant hypothermia.
Course Objectives:
  • Recognize pathophysiology of the disease.
  • Understand the clinical presentation of the disease.
  • Explain the various treatment options for the disease.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: 25 Chapters: 1

Medical Equipment Safety

This course is an overview of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) consensus standards for domestic and international medical devices and the transparency between the FDA and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).
Course Objectives:
  • Review the Food and Drug Administration’s role in medical device safety.
  • Learn about the FDA’s focus on the greatest risks and benefits of medical devices.
  • Discuss registration, medical device listing requirements, premarket notification, investigational device exemptions for clinical studies, the quality system, and labeling requirements.
  • Discuss the expansion of the FDA’s authority to promote innovation, increase stakeholder activity, and enhance the safety of the drug supply chain.

Duration: 45 min. CE Credits: .75 Chapters: 3

Recognizing Bio Safety Levels

Staying informed when working with different biohazardous materials is the first line of defense for individuals who are working in these environments. This course will help identify safety levels so that employees exposed to biohazardous materials can keep themselves protected. Objectives: - Know the bio saftey levels - recognize dangers of each dangers -protecting yourself before there is danger.
Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

State Specific Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Arizona Medical Marijuana Law

It is important for employers to know that the new medical marijuana law allows employers to use a medical marijuana verification system to verify a registry identification card for a new applicant before extending an offer of employment. It also allows employers to verify registration cards of existing employees. The new law protects an employer from liability when it takes disciplinary action against an employee under the good faith belief that the employee was impaired, used or was in possession of any impermissible drug while at work.
Course Objectives:
  • Brief history and overview of the law.
  • A guide to the role of physicians as outlined in the law.
  • Discuss the limitations of an employee that has a medical marijuana use license.
  • A detailed guide to the role of dispensary medical director.
  • Recognizing the do’s and don’ts of Medical Marijuana purchase.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

New York Surprise Law

In this course we will discuss the Emergency Medical Services and Surprise laws of the state of New York.
Course Objectives:
  • How the law amends the New York Insurance, Public Health, and Financial Services Regulations.
  • The disclosure requirements for certain health care providers for out-of network and non-urgent care.
  • New billing and reimbursement rules.
  • Health plan participation status with providers.
  • Consumer rights and the arbitration process.
  • How to prevent negative “consumer” surprises.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: NA Chapters: 1

Texas House Bill 300

During this course, we will discuss the specific requirements that have been set forth through the enactment of the Texas House Bill 300 (HB 300). Topics covered include the legislations’ background, the description of covered entities as defined by HB 300, training requirements, and applicable penalties for violating the provisions of HB 300.
Course Objectives:
  • Know the background of HB 300.
  • Understand the compliance requirements of HB 300.
  • Define covered entities as they pertain to HB 300.
  • Identify potential enforcement actions for violation of HB 300.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Medicare | Medicaid Financial Courses

* Indicates course is also available in Spanish.

Corporate Compliance (2016)

Corporate compliance training discusses and identifies the goals of having an effective corporate compliance program. An effective corporate compliance program will include standars which can help stress the importance of fraud awareness, HIPAA guidelinesss, OIG compliance in a managed care setting and proper coding and codumentation. The overview includes addressing compliance risk areas, billing and reimbursement issues, resident care risk areas and patient confidentiality.
Course Objectives:
  • Explain the necessary elements of a corporate compliance program.
  • Identify the common compliance risk areas associated with healthcare settings.
  • Recognize specific strategies the OIG uses in managed care settings.

Duration: 1 hour. CE Credits: 1 Chapters: 4

Deficit Reduction Act/False Claims Act/ Employee Protection Act (2016)

Congress has enacted important legislation that has helped to reduce the deficit by reducing outlays from direct spending by approximately $39 billion. This course summarizes specific provisions under the Deficit Reduction Act and explains how these changes have been passed on to taxpayers. The course also provides an overview of the False Claims Act and how it pertains to fraud and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. As part of the False Claims Act, Congress has also enacted important legislation, Employee Protection Act, which protects employees who help fight fraud and abuse within the government.
Course Objectives:
  • Explain the Deficit Reduction Act/False Claims Act/Employee Protection Act and how they pertain to fraud and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  • List the general provisions and the legislative changes of the Deficit Reduction Act that were enacted by Congress.
  • Examine certain benefits that the Deficit Reduction Act has on State programs.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of how this legislation affects Medicaid and the uninsured.
  • Know specific provisions relevant to documentation requirements, prescription drugs, asset transfers, targeted case management and other notable Medicaid reforms.
  • Learn how the False Claims Act helps to prevent fraud and abuse in Medicaid and Medicare.
  • Understand relevant employee protection statutes associated with the False Claims Act.

Duration: 90 min. CE Units: 1.5 Chapters: 3

Federal Anti-Kickback Regulations (2016)

The Federal Anti-Kickback Statute applies to all persons that participate in healthcare programs including providers, vendors, employees, and patients. This course will provide an overview of the law to identify and report suspected violations. The Federal Anti-Kickback Statute prohibits offering, paying, soliciting, or receiving anything of value to induce or reward referrals or generate Federal healthcare program business. The statute requires there to be an intentional and willful act to break the law. The fine may contain criminal and civil penalties ranging from $25,000 to $50,000 per violation, up to five years in prison, and civil penalties equal to three times the amount of the kickback. There are a few voluntary safe harbors – which provide relief for “specific” types of transactions exempt from the law.
Course Objectives:
  • Overview of the Federal Anti-Kickback statute.
  • Learn how to identify and report suspected violations.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 Chapters: 1

Medicare Fraud, Waste, & Abuse (2016)

The Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abuse training program is designed to inform employees of potential issues which can lead to fraud, waste and abuse within the Medicare builing procedures and system. The training will help employees identify how to spot fraud, waste or abuse; what do do about fraudulant situations and how to prevent and report such situations.
Course Objectives:
  • Overview of the benifits provided by medicare.
  • Examples of fraud and abuse.
  • Laws that are in place to fight fraud and abuse.
  • stratagies and programms in place and how to access and utilize them to combat fraud and abuse.

Duration: 1 hour. CE Credits: 1 hr Chapters: 4

Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste, & Abuse (2016)

Fraud, Waste and Abuse training is divided into two parts: (1) Medicare Parts C & D Fraud, Waste and Absue (FWA) and (2) Medicare Parts C & D General Compliance Training. All persons who privde health or administratie services to Medicare enrolles must satisfy general compliance and FWA training requirments. This module may be used to satisfy both requirments.
Course Objectives:
  • Meet the regulatory requirement for training and education.
  • Provide information on the scope of fraud, waste, and abuse.
  • Explain obligation of everyone to detect, prevent, and correct fraud, waste, and abuse.
  • Provide information on how to report fraud, waste, and abuse.
  • Provide information on laws pertaining to fraud, waste, and abuse.

Duration: 15 min. CE Credits: .25 hr Chapters: 1

Starks Laws and Anti-Kickback (2016)

The course provides an overview of Stark Law guidelines that prohibit a physician from referring Medicare patients to an entity with which the physician (or immediate family member) has a financial relationship, and prohibits the designated health services entity from submitting claims to Medicare for prohibited referral services.
Course Objectives:
  • Review the foundational principles of the law, exemption examples, and recent changes to regulation.
  • Discuss additional financial issues and requirements in the area of investments and other forms of compensation.

Duration: 30 min. CE Credits: .50 Chapters: 2

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